Yamato International Association 公益財団法人 大和市国際化協会
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Supporting members/賛助会員

We need a supporting member or a group who understands our activities. Your membership fee will be our resource for projects. We are waiting for your support.

Application form [PDF版/11KB] [EXCEL版/25KB]

Benefits (1)Receive official publication or information paper in foreign language
(2)Get information about events
(3)Discount for participating in our projects
(4)Discount at designated cooperating stores
Annual fee Individual: 1,000yen (one unit)
Corporation: 10,000yen (one unit)
(April 1st to March 31st of following year)
How to join Please visit our office or pay the fee by postal transfer.
Please download the application form(PDF/EXCEL), fill in necessary items and send it to us by FAX or Email. We will send the postal payment slip. After confirming credit, we will send a membership card and a guidebook of designated cooperating stores.
We receive application at the counter of international association all the time, applying is always welcomed.

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